Bolton Hospice Heroes #500faces

Will you help support Bolton Hospice through the Coronavirus crisis by taking part in our Bolton Hospice Heroes #500faces appeal?

We are looking for 500 of our supporters to be our Hospice Heroes and pledge to donate or raise £100 each for us this 2021.

Johanna & Neville Short


Those of you that know me well, are aware that I enjoy a drink. Whether it's a pint at the pub (remember those?!) or a glass or two of wine with dinner, I'm not fussy! Occasionally in the past I've tested my will power this way, but this year I thought I may as well help raise funds for a charity. Myself and Neville are abstaining from alcoholic beverages for Lent for Bolton Hospice because it does great work, and is such a worthy cause.

Johanna & Neville Short